with audio and video links
6pm I Nicole Niebler - Introduction to AHA
6:45pm I Matt Wilbourn - Reject My Donation? GoFund Yourself!
7:45pm I Karen Garst - The Snake: From Goddess to Satan to Doctor
8:45pm I Brian Babylon - Comedy Routine
12pm I Miri Mogilevsky - Why Kindergartners Need Sex Ed
1pm I J.T. Snipes - Ain't I Black Too? Counterstories of Black Atheists in College
2:00pm I Rebecca Hensler - Grief Beyond Belief
3:00pm I Kater Murch - The arrow of time in quantum mechanics
4:00pm I Greta Christina - Why are You Atheists so Angry?
6:30pm I Marie Schaub - A Monumental Struggle
7:45pm I Lindsey Doe - Sexplanations Live
8:45pm I Bronston Jones - God Bless 'Merica... it'll take a miracle to fix it. A Comedy Show